Или вот еще - запрет писать в группах из за этого вот поста.

 Или вот еще - запрет писать в группах из за этого вот поста. Хейт спич говорят.... Где тут хейт спич, мать вашу, где?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 1:33 AM
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Cayce Orion In fact I already admitted in this thread that yes, Georgia is a place where politics are very much depended on publics opinion; it i snot a direct democracy yet, but certainly goes that way (unless your Russian friends will invade and turn Georgia into one big Mariupol) and all sides of political specter agree on giving more rights to referendums and direct participation in politics. This is something to admire and being proud of, and I admit it. Bad thing is that big portion of Georgian population are dumb, aggressive, sexist and fundamentalist bigots who may admire you for speaking against the government, but would shoot you for dating their daughters. Two people have killed their wives out of jealousy at public places in the last couple of days alone. Yes I know that happens in other places, also US too, but proportion of aggressive fundamentalist's in Georgian society is way too high. Its like Pakistan which is also democratic country in a way, but presence of bigoted deal of he population makes it impossible to bear. As fo EU, it is more democratic and transparent entity, compared to many national government in Europe, and no it is not "dictating anything. Having said that, person who lived in Moscow, and repeating narratives of Russian propaganda about EU does not seem like genuine opponent for a conversation, rather a hired propagandist. In Ukraine they detain people for a psts like this on the spot.
